Growing a Volunteering Network

 focused on Education and the Charity sector

to help primarily young people 
to gain and record their experience 
to kick start their careers.

BeSharing - Growing a Volunteering Network

“There can be no greater gift than of giving one’s time” – Nelson Mandela

 BeSharing is a volunteering organisation engaging with Charities, Educational Institutions and Individuals

BeSharing orchestrates a value chain for accessing, measuring and recording volunteering activities

BeSharing - Growing a Volunteering Network


Charity Volunteering Opportunities

Fundraising Opportunities

Charity Donations

Charity Information

Charity News

BeSharing - Make a DIFFERENCE

Charities – Direct access to organisations and individuals through the BeSharing hub.

Education- Fundraising events and volunteering opportunities can be promoted side by side within companies and organisations.

Organisations – Besharing acts as an employee CSR hub offering employees direct and bespoke access to volunteering, fundraising and giving opportunities.

Besharing provides a book of record for employee engagement and CSR reporting.

Individuals – Engage with charities, find and book volunteering and fundraising events and opportunities.

Record your achievements and build a demonstrable social profile.

BeSharing Volunteering Value Chain

VOLUNTEERING is a social benefit for both organisations and individual volunteers. BeSharing obtains INFORMATION regarding volunteering needs to SHARE with the growing community to INSPIRE potential volunteers to consider specific OPPORTUNITIES to be arranged through the extensive BeSharing NETWORK .

BeSharing PROVE

BeSharing captures individuals volunteering history with a PERSONAL RECORD OF VOLUNTEERING EXPERIENCE.

How it Works

Find Opportunities

Register with

Engage with Charities


The beginning of a lifetime of positive actions. Creating a socially aware and responsible generation of young adults.

BeSharing is a platform for students, schools and universities to promote social responsibility amongst their students.


The BeSharing Process enables STUDENTS to find OPPORTUITIES to LIASE with charities for VOLUNTEERING EXPERIENCE

Students can build a dynamic social profile demonstrating their ongoing achievements.
Schools and Universities are able to record and demonstrate their own commitment to promoting social responsibility.


On completion of an assignment the BeSharing Process provides each student with a detailed PERSONAL RECORD OF VOLUNTEERING EXPERIENCE


A Work Assignment Recognition Document

Students can build a dynamic social profile demonstrating their ongoing achievements.
Schools and Universities are able to record and demonstrate their own commitment to promoting social responsibility.

Engage students in charitable activities
Fundraising events and challenges
Demonstrate your achievements
Collaboration and team building

Demonstrate commitment to developing socially responsible students.

Support students and staff whether they wish to Volunteer, fundraise or donate.

Contribute and engage with local community.

Clear statement of effectiveness of social responsibility programme.

Differentiate from other academic intitutions.

CV/Resume: Students can clearly demonstrate their activities to future academic institutions or employers.

Build a record of achievement that follows and grows through life.

Demonstrates positive use of free time.

Make a difference to society and give something back.

Gain confidence by doing something different.

Engage with Volunteering opportunities

Fundraising events and Challenges

Collaborate and team building

Demonstrate your achievements

Proud to be working with a number of Educational Institutions,Charities and Organisations in the UK


Post volunteering opportunities, fund raising events and charity news.
Advertise events and recruit volunteers at the same time.


The BeSharing system enables charities to solve the process of SHARING OPPORTUNITIES with LOYAL students seeking VOLUNTEERING EXPERIENCE to a wider community.


On completion of each volunteering assignment the BeSharing process provides charities with a resume to enable them to PROmote VOLUNTEERING ENGAGEMENTS as part of assignment opportunity planning and advertising activities.

Highlight news and campaigns directly to organisations and their employees.


A Work Assignment Recognition Document

Students can build a dynamic social profile demonstrating their ongoing achievements.
Schools and Universities are able to record and demonstrate their own commitment to promoting social responsibility.

Easy event and opportunity entry

Connecting with organisations to promote events and campaigns

Feedback from individuals and organisations

Measure, analyse and optimise employee performance

BeSharing CSR


Demonstrating your organisation’s commitment to social responsibility.

Straightforward access to volunteering, fundraising and charitable opportunities.

Recording and demonstrating all charitable activity within your organisation.

Directory of charity information.




Developing and enhancing relationships with customers, suppliers and networks

Attracting, retaining and maintaining a happy workforce

Become an Employer of Choice

Stand out from competitors

Innovation and learning

Improving your business reputation and standing

CSR tool for Charities and Organisations

Added data measuring employee/ Company engagement

Rewards for engagement with Charities

CSR tool for charities and orgs and employees

Unit conversion for volunteers for CSR Volunteers benefits for CSR activity

Unit conversion for organizations CSR Organisations benefit from employee volunteers


Engaging with charities and voluntary organisations.
Finding and booking volunteering and fundraising events and opportunities.
Recording and demonstrating charitable achievements.

Search and book online

Fundraising events and Challenges

Volunteering opportunities to fit your lifestyle

Demonstrate your achievements is a Social Enterprise not for profit Charity hub platform, for students, charities, individuals and organisations.

Based at IdeaSpace City, Cambridge Universities incubation hub for start ups.

We offer Charity volunteering opportunities, challenges and events.

We have developed a Tokens/points awards mechanism that records and awards individuals, their employers, schools and Universities through their engagement with Charities and Voluntary organisations. Charities also receive points through the engagement of volunteers, donations, challenges and events.

Our intent is to offer a hub for charity information and engagement that is recorded and that can form part of your CV from school all the way through your career.

Who We are:

We want to help educate and encourage students to give time or money to charitable causes, as a regular part of their lives and that by doing this; there is a tangible benefit that they can use through their careers.

We also have a directory of charities database where requests about information or services can be requested from multiple charities in a few clicks instead of contacting them individually.

We intend to make this information and accessibility easier and quicker to access. We aim to give this platform the ability to help and build and bridge communities around charities and voluntary organisations.